Medilife Koff Clear Syrup

Medilife Koff Clear Syrup

 115.00  180.00

Indications :

For Cough, Dyspnoea and other Bronchial problems.

SKU: N/A Categories:

Composition :

Each 5ml Contains, Pulsatilla Nigricans 3 x1.00% v/v, Rumex Crispus 3×1.00% v/v, Justicia Adhatoda 3x 1.00% v/v, Ipecacuanha 3x 1.00% v/v, Spongia Tosta 3x 1.00% v/v, Sticta Pulmonaria 3x 1.00% v/v, Coccus Cacti 3x 1.00% v/v, Drosera Rotundifolia Q 1.20% v/v, Ephedra Vulgaris Q 1.00% v/v, Piper Nigrum Q 0.20% v/v, Zingiber Q0.20%v/v, Polygala Senega Q3.25%v/v, Ocimum Sanctum Q 0.20% v/v, Blatta Orientalis Q 1.00%v/v, Excipients q.s. Alcohol Content 12%v/v.

Indications :

For Cough, Dyspnoea and other Bronchial problems.

Doses :

Adults: 1 tablespoon (15ml) 3 times a day.

Children: 1 teaspoon (5ml) 3 times a day.

Or as directed by the physician.

Use before  60 months from date of mfg

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